This report provides a full overview of the historical balances for each asset per wallet. The report is useful for knowing the evolution of your balance across a time period.
To create a Historical Balances (wallet breakdown) report, follow these steps:
Go to the Report page.
Click on the + Report button, a drawer will emerge
- Module is Financial Reports
- Report is Historical Balances (wallet breakdown)
Asset is optional
Wallet is optional, you can choose:
a) just an asset or wallet
b) an asset and wallet
c) or leave both blank, which will then take into account everything -
Click Create
Example use cases:
Use case 1: I want to know the evolution of one Asset across my Portfolio
Asset: *chosen asset* (i.e. ETH)
Wallet: leave blank
Use case 2: I want to know the evolution of one Asset within a certain Wallet
Asset: *chosen asset* (i.e. ETH)
Wallet: *choose wallet* (i.e. My Business Wallet)
Use case 3: I want to know the balances of every asset within a certain Wallet
Asset: leave blank
Wallet: *choose wallet* (i.e. My Business Wallet)
Use case 4: I want to know month-end Balances of every asset in particular Source
Asset: leave blank
Wallet: *choose wallet* (i.e. My Business Wallet)
Click, Global Overview & Specify the Date Range.
Use case 5: I want to know the month-end Balances of every asset in my Portfolio
Asset: leave blank
Wallet: leave blank
Click, Global Overview & Specify the Date Range.
Additionally, you can now select columns for your exports directly from our product workspace. This selection will be saved for your future exports - there is no more need to manually clean up your excel file every time anymore. This feature comes in the form of two new buttons - 'all columns' and 'selected columns' on the export side panel when creating a new report. Follow this link to see how the new feature works.
Column Definitions
Further details on what some of the more complex columns mean:
Inventory | Sum of the particular asset pool's Cost Basis at that particular time |
Average Daily Price | The opening price for the day obtained from CoinGecko |
Assets market value | The asset's balance multiplied by the average daily price |