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How to import a bank statement to Quickbooks?



Some accounting firms may decide to account for certain imports, such as wallets or exchanges, like bank accounts. Therefore, the most effective way to feed transactions in these accounts is to import a bank statement.


Here's a step-by-step process on how to generate from cryptio and import into Xero, Bank Statements.

Generating the Bank Statement in Cryptio:

  1. Head to the Reports section in cryptio



  2. Once on here, you should be presented with the option to create a report:



  3. Select Bank Statement, in the drop-down, 'Choose Report Type'


  4. select either:

    1. Individual Asset ONLY + Date Range

    2. Individual Wallet ONLY + Date Range

    3. Individual Wallet + Asset + Date Range

    4. Just the Date Range

A completed report of option C is shown below:


With an example of a report below:



We're not done just yet!


We need to change the date column into a form that is acceptable by Quickbooks.


This can be done by selecting all the fields containing a date and changing to the following format:


This can be dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy depending on preference.


We are now ready to import!

Importing into Quickbooks is also a very easy process


  1. Head to transactions... Banking via the side toolbar.







  3. Upload your statement in the following field


  4. Once you have selected your account, select the fields that correspond to the required columns in your file and the date format required.


Congratulations! If you've made it to this stage, your statement should be successfully imported 🎉