In order to price the assets in Cryptio, we pull in data from multiple providers (learn more about Selecting your principal market). Customers can select their pricing providers for the whole workspace or per asset so users can have the most relevant and trusted price for their asset.
When it comes to evaluating a transaction, we apply the logic mentioned in the Principal market article.
Why is this useful to know?
Sometimes when you use Cryptio some of your assets might have a 'missing price' next to them on the transaction page. For some small market cap coins, this can be because the above exchanges were not tracking these assets at this time. Therefore try doing the following:
Find the transactions with a missing price next to them (using the filter for Cost Basis Error)
Check the date on the left-hand side of the transaction
Go to the pricing provider and then check to see if they priced the asset at this time
If they did, please get in touch with us. If they did not, then you would have to manually enter the prices - you can do that by clicking anywhere in the white space of a transaction row to open up the pop-up editor. Then, input the relevant values. Don’t forget to hit save.